commit 45e00f9ea3ea0b3e81839ec938ff33ba5a90335b
parent 5255342df86821e12a99dca801b38bf294f50a90
Author: Sergej Orlov <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 00:21:47 +0300
added tiled tracks layer
7 files changed, 533 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"knockout": "^3.4.0",
"leaflet": "1.0.3",
"load-script": "^1.0.0",
+ "pbf": "^3.0.5",
"rbush": "^2.0.1",
"utf8": "^2.1.2"
diff --git a/src/layers.js b/src/layers.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import config from './config';
import 'lib/leaflet.layer.soviet-topomaps-grid';
import 'lib/leaflet.layer.westraPasses';
import 'lib/leaflet.layer.nordeskart';
+import 'lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection';
export default function getLayers() {
const layers = [
@@ -212,7 +213,21 @@ export default function getLayers() {
scaleDependent: true
- }]
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Tracks',
+ order: 1150,
+ isOverlay: true,
+ isDefault: true,
+ layer: new L.TracksCollection({
+ tms: true,
+ maxNativeZoom: 12,
+ code: 'Tc',
+ print: false,
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ ]
@@ -294,7 +309,7 @@ export default function getLayers() {
isOverlay: true,
isDefault: false,
layer: new L.TileLayer.Nordeskart('{z}&x={x}&y={y}&gkt={baatToken}',
- {code: 'Np', maxNativeZoom: 16, tms: false, print: true, jnx: true, scaleDependent: true}
+ {code: 'Np', maxNativeZoom: 16, tms: false, print: true, jnx: true, scaleDependent: true}
@@ -303,7 +318,7 @@ export default function getLayers() {
isOverlay: true,
isDefault: false,
layer: new L.TileLayer.Nordeskart('{z}&x={x}&y={y}&gkt={baatToken}',
- {code: 'Nm', tms: false, print: true, jnx: true, scaleDependent: true}
+ {code: 'Nm', tms: false, print: true, jnx: true, scaleDependent: true}
diff --git a/src/lib/cache/index.js b/src/lib/cache/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+class Cache {
+ constructor(maxSize) {
+ this._maxSize = maxSize;
+ this._store = {};
+ this._size = 0;
+ }
+ get(key) {
+ if (key in this._store) {
+ const value = this._store[key];
+ delete this._store[key];
+ this._store[key] = value;
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ put(key, value) {
+ if (key in this._store) {
+ delete this._store[key];
+ } else {
+ this._size += 1;
+ }
+ this._store[key] = value;
+ if (this._size > this._maxSize) {
+ delete this._store[Object.keys(this._store)[0]];
+ this._size -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+export {Cache}
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/index.js b/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+import L from 'leaflet';
+import {fetch} from 'lib/xhr-promise';
+import Pbf from 'pbf';
+import {Tile as TileProto} from './track_tile_proto';
+import {Cache} from 'lib/cache';
+import './style.css';
+class TileCache extends Cache {
+ makeKey(coords) {
+ return `${coords.x}:${coords.y}:${coords.z}`;
+ }
+ get(coords) {
+ return super.get(this.makeKey(coords));
+ }
+ put(coords, value) {
+ super.put(this.makeKey(coords), value);
+ }
+class TrackTilesLoader {
+ constructor(url, maxZoom) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.maxZoom = maxZoom;
+ this.cache = new TileCache(50);
+ }
+ getTileUrl(coords) {
+ const data = {
+ x: coords.x,
+ z: coords.z,
+ y: (2 ** coords.z) - coords.y - 1
+ };
+ return L.Util.template(this.url, data)
+ }
+ unpackTileData(dataArray) {
+ const
+ pbf = new Pbf(new Uint8Array(dataArray)),
+ tileData =;
+ const tracksById = {};
+ for (let track of tileData.tracks) {
+ const
+ ar = track.coordinates,
+ ar_len = ar.length,
+ ar2 = new Float64Array(ar_len);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ar_len; i++) {
+ ar2[i] = ar[i] / 255 * 256;
+ }
+ track.coordinates = ar2;
+ tracksById[track.trackId] = track;
+ }
+ tileData.tracksById = tracksById;
+ return tileData;
+ }
+ requestTileData(coords) {
+ let {x, y, z} = coords;
+ let adjustments;
+ if (z > this.maxZoom) {
+ let z2 = this.maxZoom,
+ multiplier = 1 << (z - z2),
+ x2 = Math.floor(x / multiplier),
+ y2 = Math.floor(y / multiplier);
+ adjustments = {
+ multiplier: multiplier,
+ offsetX: (x - x2 * multiplier) * 256,
+ offsetY: (y - y2 * multiplier) * 256
+ };
+ [x, y, z] = [x2, y2, z2];
+ }
+ let tileData = this.cache.get({x, y, z});
+ if (tileData !== undefined) {
+ return {
+ dataPromise: Promise.resolve({tileData, adjustments}),
+ abortLoading: () => {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let url = this.getTileUrl({x, y, z});
+ const fetchPromise = fetch(url, {
+ responseType: 'arraybuffer',
+ timeout: 10000,
+ isResponseSuccess: (xhr) => xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 204
+ }
+ );
+ //TODO: handle errors
+ const dataPromise = fetchPromise.then((xhr) => {
+ let tileData;
+ if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.response) {
+ tileData = this.unpackTileData(xhr.response)
+ } else {
+ tileData = null;
+ }
+ this.cache.put({x, y, z}, tileData);
+ return {tileData, adjustments};
+ }
+ );
+ return {dataPromise, abortLoading: fetchPromise.abort.bind(fetchPromise)};
+ }
+function sqDistancePointToSegment(p, p1, p2) {
+ var x = p1.x,
+ y = p1.y,
+ dx = p2.x - x,
+ dy = p2.y - y,
+ dot = dx * dx + dy * dy,
+ t;
+ if (dot > 0) {
+ t = ((p.x - x) * dx + (p.y - y) * dy) / dot;
+ if (t > 1) {
+ x = p2.x;
+ y = p2.y;
+ } else if (t > 0) {
+ x += dx * t;
+ y += dy * t;
+ }
+ }
+ dx = p.x - x;
+ dy = p.y - y;
+ return dx * dx + dy * dy;
+function isPointOnTrack(track, p, tolerance) {
+ let ar = track.coordinates,
+ pos = 0,
+ p1, p2;
+ for (let segmentLength of track.segmentsLengths) {
+ p1 = {
+ x: ar[pos],
+ y: ar[pos + 1]
+ };
+ pos += 2;
+ for (let i = 1; i < segmentLength; i++) {
+ p2 = {
+ x: ar[pos],
+ y: ar[pos + 1]
+ };
+ if (sqDistancePointToSegment(p, p1, p2) < tolerance) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ pos += 2;
+ p1 = p2;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+L.ProtobufTileLines = L.GridLayer.extend({
+ options: {
+ url: 'http://tracks-collection/gd/tile/{x}/{y}/{z}',
+ tileSize: 256,
+ trackFilter: 1 + 2,
+ noWrap: true,
+ bounds: L.latLngBounds([[-90, -180], [90, 180]])
+ },
+ initialize: function(options) {
+, options);
+ // FIXME: maxZoom mus be from arguments
+ this.loader = new TrackTilesLoader(this.options.url, 12);
+ },
+ onAdd: function(map) {
+, map);
+ this.on('tileunload', this.onTileUnload, this);
+ map.on('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, this);
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(this._map._container, 'tile-tracks-active');
+ },
+ onRemove: function(map) {
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._map._container, 'tile-tracks-active');
+'tileunload', this.onTileUnload, this);
+'mousemove', this.onMouseMove, this);
+, map);
+ },
+ createTile: function(coords, done) {
+ const tile = document.createElement('div');
+ const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ const overlayCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ tile.appendChild(canvas);
+ tile.appendChild(overlayCanvas);
+ canvas.width = 256;
+ canvas.height = 256;
+ overlayCanvas.width = 256;
+ overlayCanvas.height = 256;
+ let {dataPromise, abortLoading} = this.loader.requestTileData(coords);
+ dataPromise.then((tileData) => {
+ tile._tileData = tileData.tileData;
+ tile._adjustments = tileData.adjustments;
+ this.drawTile(canvas, tileData);
+ this._tileOnLoad(done, tile)
+ }
+ );
+ tile._canvas = canvas;
+ tile._overlayCanvas = overlayCanvas;
+ tile._abortLoading = abortLoading;
+ return tile;
+ },
+ drawTile: function(canvas, {tileData, adjustments}) {
+ if (!tileData) {
+ return
+ }
+ let rastersCombinedFilter = 0;
+ for (let raster of tileData.rasters) {
+ if (this.options.trackFilter & raster.filter) {
+ rastersCombinedFilter |= raster.filter;
+ }
+ }
+ canvas._rastersCombinedFilter = rastersCombinedFilter;
+ if (tileData.rasters.length) {
+ this.drawRasterTile(canvas, tileData.rasters);
+ }
+ this.drawVectorTile(canvas, tileData.tracks, adjustments);
+ },
+ drawRasterTile: function(canvas, rasters) {
+ const color = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.004)';
+ const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 256);
+ const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 256);
+ const data =;
+ let ind, c1, c2;
+ for (let raster of rasters) {
+ if (raster.filter & this.options.trackFilter) {
+ let rasterBytes = raster.raster;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
+ ind = i * 4 + 3;
+ c1 = data[ind];
+ c2 = rasterBytes[i];
+ data[ind] = (c1 < c2) ? c2 : c1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ canvas._imageData = data;
+ },
+ drawTrackLines: function(context, track, adjustments) {
+ let ar = track.coordinates,
+ x, y;
+ if (adjustments) {
+ const
+ ar_len = ar.length,
+ ar2 = new Float64Array(ar_len),
+ {multiplier, offsetX, offsetY} = adjustments;
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < ar_len) {
+ ar2[i] = ar[i] * multiplier - offsetX;
+ ar2[i + 1] = ar[i + 1] * multiplier - offsetY;
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ ar = ar2;
+ }
+ let pos = 0;
+ for (let segmentLength of track.segmentsLengths) {
+ x = ar[pos];
+ y = ar[pos + 1];
+ pos += 2;
+ context.moveTo(x, y);
+ for (let i = 1; i < segmentLength; i++) {
+ x = ar[pos];
+ y = ar[pos + 1];
+ context.lineTo(x, y);
+ pos += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drawVectorTile: function(canvas, tracks, adjustments) {
+ const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ let hasDrawn = false;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = '#0000FF';
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ for (let track of tracks) {
+ if (track.filter & this.options.trackFilter & ~canvas._rastersCombinedFilter) {
+ hasDrawn = true;
+ this.drawTrackLines(ctx, track, adjustments);
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasDrawn) {
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ },
+ _tileOnLoad: function(done, tile) {
+ // For
+ if (L.Browser.ielt9) {
+ setTimeout(L.bind(done, this, null, tile), 0);
+ } else {
+ done(null, tile);
+ }
+ },
+ onTileUnload: function(e) {
+ const tile = e.tile;
+ tile._abortLoading();
+ delete tile._promise;
+ delete tile._features;
+ },
+ highlightTracks: function(trackIds) {
+ console.log(trackIds);
+ for (let tile of Object.values(this._tiles)) {
+ if (tile.current) {
+ let tileData = tile.el._tileData;
+ if (!tileData) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let canvas = tile.el._overlayCanvas;
+ let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 256, 256);
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.strokeStyle = '#FFAA00';
+ ctx.lineWidth = 2;
+ for (let trackId of trackIds) {
+ let track = tileData.tracksById[trackId];
+ if (track) {
+ this.drawTrackLines(ctx, track, tile.el._adjustments);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _tileCoordsFromEvent: function(e) {
+ const layerPoint = this._map.getPixelOrigin().add(e.layerPoint);
+ let coords = {
+ x: Math.floor(layerPoint.x / 256),
+ y: Math.floor(layerPoint.y / 256),
+ z: this._map.getZoom()
+ };
+ return {
+ tileCoords: coords,
+ pixelCoords: {
+ x: layerPoint.x % 256,
+ y: layerPoint.y % 256
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ pointNearRasterLine: function(imageData, pixel, tolerance) {
+ let minX = pixel.x - tolerance,
+ maxX = pixel.x + tolerance,
+ minY = pixel.y - tolerance,
+ maxY = pixel.y + tolerance;
+ for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++){
+ for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++){
+ if (imageData[(y * 256 + x) * 4 + 3] > 127) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ getTracksIdsForPoint: function(tile, pixel) {
+ const
+ tileData = tile._tileData,
+ adjustments = tile._adjustments;
+ let
+ tolerance = 5;
+ if (!tileData) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (adjustments) {
+ pixel.x = (pixel.x + adjustments.offsetX) / adjustments.multiplier;
+ pixel.y = (pixel.y + adjustments.offsetY) / adjustments.multiplier;
+ tolerance /= adjustments.multiplier;
+ }
+ if (tile._canvas._imageData) { // tile was drawn as raster
+ let trackIds = [];
+ if (this.pointNearRasterLine(tile._canvas._imageData, pixel, tolerance)) {
+ trackIds = 'RASTER';
+ }
+ return trackIds;
+ }
+ let sqTolerance = tolerance * tolerance,
+ trackIds = {};
+ for (let track of tileData.tracks) {
+ if (track.filter & this.options.trackFilter) {
+ if (isPointOnTrack(track, pixel, sqTolerance)) {
+ trackIds[track.trackId] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Object.keys(trackIds);
+ },
+ onMouseMove: function(e) {
+ const
+ {tileCoords, pixelCoords} = this._tileCoordsFromEvent(e),
+ key = this._tileCoordsToKey(tileCoords);
+ let tile = this._tiles[key];
+ if (!tile) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tile = tile.el;
+ if (!tile) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const ids = this.getTracksIdsForPoint(tile, pixelCoords);
+ this.highlightTracks(ids);
+ }
+ }
+L.TracksCollection = L.ProtobufTileLines.extend({});
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/style.css b/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+.tile-tracks-active {
+ cursor: default;
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/track_tile_proto.js b/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/track_tile_proto.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+'use strict'; // code generated by pbf v3.0.5
+// TrackLines ========================================
+var TrackLines = exports.TrackLines = {};
+ = function (pbf, end) {
+ return pbf.readFields(TrackLines._readField, {trackId: 0, filter: 0, segmentsLengths: [], coordinates: null}, end);
+TrackLines._readField = function (tag, obj, pbf) {
+ if (tag === 1) obj.trackId = pbf.readVarint();
+ else if (tag === 2) obj.filter = pbf.readVarint();
+ else if (tag === 3) pbf.readPackedVarint(obj.segmentsLengths, true);
+ else if (tag === 4) obj.coordinates = pbf.readBytes();
+// TrackRaster ========================================
+var TrackRaster = exports.TrackRaster = {};
+ = function (pbf, end) {
+ return pbf.readFields(TrackRaster._readField, {filter: 0, raster: null}, end);
+TrackRaster._readField = function (tag, obj, pbf) {
+ if (tag === 1) obj.filter = pbf.readVarint();
+ else if (tag === 2) obj.raster = pbf.readBytes();
+// Tile ========================================
+var Tile = exports.Tile = {};
+ = function (pbf, end) {
+ return pbf.readFields(Tile._readField, {rasters: [], tracks: []}, end);
+Tile._readField = function (tag, obj, pbf) {
+ if (tag === 1) obj.rasters.push(, pbf.readVarint() + pbf.pos));
+ else if (tag === 2) obj.tracks.push(, pbf.readVarint() + pbf.pos));
+// TileRawLines ========================================
+var TileRawLines = exports.TileRawLines = {};
+ = function (pbf, end) {
+ return pbf.readFields(TileRawLines._readField, {rasters: [], tracks: []}, end);
+TileRawLines._readField = function (tag, obj, pbf) {
+ if (tag === 1) obj.rasters.push(, pbf.readVarint() + pbf.pos));
+ else if (tag === 2) obj.tracks.push(pbf.readBytes());
diff --git a/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/update_proto.js b/src/lib/leaflet.layer.tracks-collection/update_proto.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../node_modules/pbf/bin/pbf ~/projects/tracks-catalog2/scripts/lib/track_tile.proto --no-write > track_tile_proto.js