
My NUR packages
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default.nix (1239B)

      1 { lib
      2 , stdenv
      3 , fetchurl
      4 , cmake
      5 , meson
      6 , ninja
      7 , pkg-config
      8 , desktop-file-utils
      9 , desktopToDarwinBundle
     10 , gnunet
     11 , gst_all_1
     12 , gtk3
     13 , libgcrypt
     14 , libgnunetchat
     15 , libhandy
     16 , libnotify
     17 , libportal
     18 , libportal-gtk3
     19 , libsodium
     20 , libunistring
     21 , pipewire
     22 , qrencode
     23 }:
     25 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     26   pname = "messenger-gtk";
     27   version = "0.9.0";
     29   src = fetchurl {
     30     url = "mirror://gnu/gnunet/messenger-gtk-${version}.tar.gz";
     31     hash = "sha256-DqviYQ+zEy75mQEHKi90pkDgps4gM6YrjN9esrCmi0s=";
     32   };
     34   nativeBuildInputs = [
     35     meson
     36     cmake
     37     ninja
     38     pkg-config
     39     desktop-file-utils # for update-desktop-database
     40   ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin desktopToDarwinBundle;
     42   buildInputs = [
     43     gnunet
     44     gst_all_1.gstreamer
     45     gtk3
     46     libgcrypt
     47     libgnunetchat
     48     libhandy
     49     libnotify
     50     libportal
     51     libportal-gtk3
     52     libsodium
     53     libunistring
     54     pipewire
     55     qrencode
     56   ];
     58   meta = with lib; {
     59     description = "A GTK based GUI for the Messenger service of GNUnet";
     60     homepage = "";
     61     changelog = "${version}";
     62     license = licenses.agpl3Plus;
     63     maintainers = [ maintainers.sikmir ];
     64     platforms = platforms.unix;
     65   };
     66 }