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strava.js (2489B)

      1 import BaseService from './baseService';
      2 import urlViaCorsProxy from '~/lib/CORSProxy';
      4 class Strava extends BaseService {
      5     urlRe = /^https?:\/\/(?:.+\.)?strava\.com\/activities\/(\d+)/u;
      7     isOurUrl() {
      8         return this.urlRe.test(this.origUrl);
      9     }
     11     requestOptions() {
     12         const m = this.urlRe.exec(this.origUrl);
     13         const trackId = this.trackId = m[1];
     14         function isResponseSuccess(response) {
     15             return [200, 401, 404].includes(response.status);
     16         }
     17         return [
     18             {
     19                 url: urlViaCorsProxy(`${trackId}?hl=en-GB`),
     20                 options: {
     21                     isResponseSuccess
     22                 }
     23             },
     24             {
     25                 url: urlViaCorsProxy(`${trackId}/streams?stream_types%5B%5D=latlng`),
     26                 options: {
     27                     responseType: 'json',
     28                     isResponseSuccess
     29                 }
     30             }
     31         ];
     32     }
     34     parseResponse(responses) {
     35         const statusMessages = {
     36             401: 'Requested Strava activity marked as private',
     37             404: 'Requested Strava activity could not be found'
     38         };
     39         const [pageResponse, trackResponse] = responses;
     40         if (trackResponse.status !== 200) {
     41             return [{error: statusMessages[trackResponse.status]}];
     42         }
     43         let name = `Strava ${this.trackId}`;
     44         const latlngs = trackResponse.responseJSON?.latlng;
     45         if (!latlngs || !Array.isArray(latlngs)) {
     46             return [{name, error: 'UNSUPPORTED'}];
     47         }
     48         const tracks = [ => ({lat: p[0], lng: p[1]}))];
     49         let dom;
     50         try {
     51             dom = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(pageResponse.response, 'text/html');
     52         } catch (e) {
     53             // will use default name
     54         }
     55         if (dom) {
     56             const userName = (dom.querySelector('a.minimal[href*="/athletes/"]')?.textContent ?? '').trim();
     57             const activityTitle = (dom.querySelector('h1.activity-name')?.textContent ?? '').trim();
     58             let date = dom.querySelector('time')?.textContent ?? '';
     59             date = date.split(',')[1] ?? '';
     60             date = date.trim();
     61             if (userName && activityTitle && date) {
     62                 name = `${userName} - ${activityTitle} ${date}`;
     63             }
     64         }
     65         return [{
     66             name,
     67             tracks
     68         }];
     69     }
     70 }
     72 export default Strava;