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      1 // Conversion methods from EPSG Geomatics Guidance Note number 7, part 2 – September 2019
      3 /* eslint-disable camelcase */
      4 // EPSG 4284
      5 const ellipsoidKrassowsky1940 = {
      6     a: 6378245,
      7     inv_f: 298.3,
      8 };
     10 // EPSG 4326
     11 const ellipsoidWGS1984 = {
     12     a: 6378137,
     13     inv_f: 298.257223563,
     14 };
     16 // EPSG 5044
     17 const pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams = {
     18     // translation in meters
     19     dx: 23.57,
     20     dy: -140.95,
     21     dz: -79.8,
     22     // rotation in arc-seconds
     23     rx: 0,
     24     ry: -0.35,
     25     rz: -0.79,
     26     // scale difference in parts per million
     27     ds: -0.22,
     28 };
     30 // Approximation according to note in EPSG 9607
     31 // const wgs84ToPulkovo1942TransformationParams = {
     32 //     dx: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.dx,
     33 //     dy: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.dy,
     34 //     dz:,
     35 //     rx: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.rx,
     36 //     ry: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.ry,
     37 //     rz: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.rz,
     38 //     ds: -pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams.ds,
     39 // };
     41 // EPSG 9602
     42 function geographic3DToGeocentric({lat, lon, h}, {a, inv_f}) {
     43     const degToRad = Math.PI / 180;
     44     const ϕ = lat * degToRad;
     45     const λ = lon * degToRad;
     46     const sin_ϕ = Math.sin(ϕ);
     47     const cos_ϕ = Math.cos(ϕ);
     48     const cos_λ = Math.cos(λ);
     49     const sin_λ = Math.sin(λ);
     50     const f = 1 / inv_f;
     51     const e_2 = 2 * f - f * f;
     52     const ν = a / Math.sqrt(1 - e_2 * sin_ϕ * sin_ϕ);
     53     return {
     54         x: (ν + h) * cos_ϕ * cos_λ,
     55         y: (ν + h) * cos_ϕ * sin_λ,
     56         z: ((1 - e_2) * ν + h) * sin_ϕ,
     57     };
     58 }
     60 // EPSG 9602
     61 function geocentricToGeographic3D({x, y, z}, {a, inv_f}) {
     62     const radToDeg = 180 / Math.PI;
     63     const f = 1 / inv_f;
     64     const b = a * (1 - f);
     65     const p = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
     66     const q = Math.atan2(z * a, p * b);
     67     const sin_q_3 = Math.sin(q) ** 3;
     68     const cos_q_3 = Math.cos(q) ** 3;
     69     const e_2 = 2 * f - f * f;
     70     const ε = e_2 / (1 - e_2);
     71     const ϕ = Math.atan2(z + ε * b * sin_q_3, p - e_2 * a * cos_q_3);
     72     const λ = Math.atan2(y, x);
     73     const ν = a / Math.sqrt(1 - e_2 * Math.sin(ϕ) ** 2);
     74     const h = p / Math.cos(ϕ) - ν;
     75     return {
     76         lat: ϕ * radToDeg,
     77         lon: λ * radToDeg,
     78         h,
     79     };
     80 }
     82 /* eslint-enable camelcase */
     84 // EPSG 1032
     85 function rotateCoordinateFrameGeocentric({x, y, z}, params) {
     86     const arcSecToRad = Math.PI / 180 / 3600;
     87     const m = 1 + params.ds * 1e-6;
     88     const rx = params.rx * arcSecToRad;
     89     const ry = params.ry * arcSecToRad;
     90     const rz = params.rz * arcSecToRad;
     91     return {
     92         x: m * (x + y * rz - z * ry) + params.dx,
     93         y: m * (-x * rz + y + z * rx) + params.dy,
     94         z: m * (x * ry - y * rx + z) +,
     95     };
     96 }
     98 // EPSG 9659
     99 function geographic2DTo3D({lat, lon}) {
    100     return {lat, lon, h: 0};
    101 }
    103 // EPSG 9659
    104 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    105 function geographic3DTo2D({lat, lon, h}) {
    106     return {lat, lon};
    107 }
    109 // EPSG 9607
    110 function rotateCoordinateFrameGeog2D({lat, lon}, transformationParams, srcEllipsoid, targetEllipsoid) {
    111     const srcGeod3D = geographic2DTo3D({lat, lon});
    112     const srcGeocentric = geographic3DToGeocentric(srcGeod3D, srcEllipsoid);
    113     const destGeocentric = rotateCoordinateFrameGeocentric(srcGeocentric, transformationParams);
    114     const destGeog3D = geocentricToGeographic3D(destGeocentric, targetEllipsoid);
    115     return geographic3DTo2D(destGeog3D);
    116 }
    118 function pulkovo1942ToWgs84({lat, lon}) {
    119     return rotateCoordinateFrameGeog2D(
    120         {
    121             lat,
    122             lon,
    123         },
    124         pulkovo1942ToWgs84TransformationParams,
    125         ellipsoidKrassowsky1940,
    126         ellipsoidWGS1984
    127     );
    128 }
    130 // function wgs84ToPulkovo1942({lat, lon}) {
    131 //     return rotateCoordinateFrameGeog2D(
    132 //         {
    133 //             lat,
    134 //             lon,
    135 //         },
    136 //         wgs84ToPulkovo1942TransformationParams,
    137 //         ellipsoidWGS1984,
    138 //         ellipsoidKrassowsky1940
    139 //     );
    140 // }
    142 export {pulkovo1942ToWgs84};